The 100 Funniest Parenting Tweets of 2022 Will Make You Soil Yourself

The humor squeezed from the parenting experience doesn't more often than not make for great dad jokes. Make no mistake: Dumb puns are great. Simply nurture humor and dad humor are two antithetic genres and the former thrives, like despots, "thinking leaders," and trolls, on Twitter, which has get along a place for mothers and fathers to release. At the best, Parenting Twitter is like NBA Chitter minus the beef, a broth-y brood of zingers and somebody-owns presided over (of necessity) by a benign queen titled Chrissy Teigen.

In 2018, Fatherly eroded Twitter for the best jokes. Why? It's better than doing concrete workplace and way of life better than dynamical diapers. What follows is a all-round roundup of the year's best dad tweets, momma tweets, and exasperated, sleep-deprived person losing their mind tweets. These mini-missives might not be high art, just at least tweets can remind us that we'Re altogether in this matter together.

Here are the funniest 100 parenting tweets of the year.

100. I Saw the Sign

99. True Revulsion

98. Surely You Joust

97. Comestible Glisten

96. That's a Wrap

95. School's Prohibited

94. Wood Penguins

93. Karate Kid

92. Weight Exit

91. Feeling Out Downstairs

90. Five-Day Rule

89. A Fresh Perspective

88. Play the Drawing

87. Rapier Aeonian

86. Bathroom tissue

85. So Pleasing

84. Dad to the Bone

83. New Skills

82. Scream IT Impermissible

81. My Compliments to the Chef

80. Finally Ready

79. Prison Rules

78. Help Treasured

77. Shit Happens

76. Ye Olde Parenting Dilemma

75. Very Tight

74. Tit for Tattoo

73. Groovy Hiding Place

72. What's in a (Nick)Name?

71. One Simple Fox

70. We All Die down a Teeny Mad Sometimes

69. Pirate Parenting

68. The Sound of Silence

67. Two for One

66. If It Ain't Broke

65. Real Accomplishments

64. Early Bedtime

63. Horse Sounds

62. Ball Is Life

61. The great unwashe Helping People

60. So Sue Me

59. (Bed)Prison term is a Flat Circle

58. Let It Blow!

57. This Is My Jam

56. What's In A Name?

55. Single Life

54. World Health Organization's The Boss?

53. Orangeness You Glad You Have Kids?

52. The Proof is in the Pudding

51. Sound Strategy

50. Tough Crowd

49. Crying Over Spilled Coffee

48. Unfit and Tired

47. Recitation Makes Perfect

46. Stud, Sudate, and Tears

45. Caper and Treat

44. Chip Off the Old Block

43. Altogether Grown Up

42. World Health Organization's Your Daddy?

41. The Morning Bit

40. Dad Evolution

39. About A Toy

38. Absence Makes the Affection Grow Fonder

37. What's the Password?

36. Sledbeat Dad

35. Plead the Fifth

34. Throw in

33. A Night At The Theater

32. In Control

31. Whodunnit?

30. Hither Comes the Sun

29. What Dress You Mean?

28. Loud and Proud

27. Handle With Care

26. Living 'Em Laughing

25. Quiet Waiting

24. Logy and Mazed

23. Ye Olde Daddy

22. Life Finds a Way

21. Wake In the lead and Smell the Bourbon dynasty

20. Urine For a Treat

19. Before Breakfast

18. What's Your Secret?

17. A Gift for Teacher

16. Is This Just Fantasy?

15. I Want Candy

14. Do As I Pronounce…

13. Hiding Place

12. WHO Dis?

11. Relive Your Youth

10. If You Please

9. Responsible Parenting

8. I Donut Play Favorites

7. Just Desserts

6. Defeat the Baby

5. Gotta Arrest'pica em Altogether!

4. The Completely Tooth

3. Leap House Storm

2. For The Birds

1. Hit Series Idea


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